Member of
the Notaries
Elizabeth Gladstone
Notary Public

Associate Member of C.L.A.N.
Common Law Association of Notaries
The services of a Notary Public are normally required in connection with documents that are being sent abroad.
The preparation and completion of notarial acts requires a very high standard of care, since they are likely to be relied upon, not only by the client but also third parties and officials at home and abroad. The Notary must protect against the risk of innaccuracy, error, interference, forgery, dishonesty, money laundering and fraud.
Private Clients
Examples of the notarial services I can provide include:
Preparation and execution of Powers of Attorney and other documents for use abroad.
Taking declarations, sworn statements and affidavits for use abroad.
Certifying copy documents including passports, academic and other certificates.
Bills of exchange - noting protest and giving general advice.
Authenticating personal identity.
Legalisation service with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (Apostille), Foreign Embassies and Consulates.
Dealing with foreign adoption requirements.
Certifying facts to facilitate marriage in foreign jurisdictions.
Witnessing the signing of documents concerning the sale and purchase of property abroad.
Immigration and Emigration.
American acknowledgements.
Administering Oaths and Affirmations.
Parental consent for child to travel.
Name change/ change of name deeds.
Corporate Clients
If you are conducting international business transactions, examples of what I can assist with include:
Powers of Attorney given by companies involved in transactions in foreign jurisdications.
Certifying of company resolutions, minutes, accounts and reports.
Verification of certificates of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association.
Notarising documents for opening foreign bank accounts.
Apostille and Legalisation services.
Authenticating identity of Company Officers.
Authentication of documents required for the incorporation of companies in foreign countries.